
mt is a lightweight media thumbnailer. it aims to be a simple and fast alternative to outlayers awesome Video Contact Sheet


mt uses depends on ffmpeg's libraries, so you'll need those installed and then run:

go get
go install

if you'll have ffmpeg installed in a non standart directory you'll may have to use PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable like this:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/ffmpeg/lib/ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to//ffmpeg/lib/pkgconfig/ godep go build -x


Default Settings can be alternated via config files in JSON format, there are 3 directories in which the config can be saved:

/etc/mt/, $HOME/.mt/ and the current directory

just create a file called md.json in any of this locations to change the settings...

to change settings on runtime you can either use the provided pflags (mt --help for more info) or set environment Variables with the MT_ prefix:

mt --numcaps=20 myvideo.mkg will change the numcaps settings to 20 for this run only, so will MT_NUMCAPS=20 mt myvideo.mkv

since v 1.0.3-dev there is an option to save the current settings to a specified config file:

mt --save-config=/path/to/config.json

and load a custom config on runtime:

mt --config-file=/path/to/config.json

Available Config Options:

name default value description
numcaps 4 number of screenshots to take
columns 2 how many columns should be used
padding 5 add a padding around the images
width 400 width of a single screenshot
font_all "Ubuntu.ttf" Font to use for timestamps and header
font_size 12 font size
disable_timestamps false option to disable timestamp generation
timestamp_opacity 1.0 opacity of the timestamps must be from 0.0 to 1.0
bg_content "0,0,0" RGB values for background color
single_images false will create a single image for each screenshot
header true append a header with file informations
bg_header "0,0,0" header background color
fg_header "255,255,255" header font color
header_image "" absolute path to an image that should be added to the header
watermark "" absolute path to an watermark image that will be added to the middle image of the contact sheet
comment "" comment that will be added to the bottom-left of the header
watermark_all "" absolute path to an image that will be added to the bottom left corner of each image
filter "none" choose a filter to add to the thumbnails: "greyscale", "invert", "fancy", "cross"
skip_blank false try up to 3 times to skip a blank image (can slow down mt)
sfw false EXPERIMENTAL nude detection
skip_existing false skip movie if there is already a jpg with the same name
overwrite false by default mt will increment the filename by adding -01 if there is already a jpg use --overwrite to overwrite the image instead
fast false makes mt faster a lot, but seeking will be more inacurate and may produce duplicate screens


just run mt and provide any video file as args: mt video.avi

Some of the settings can be changed through runtime flags provided directly to mt for more information just run mt --help


more examples can be found in the example older

alt text